Baby Yoda and Giving a Fuck
The new year represents rebirth, fresh hope and a chance to wash away the psychological grime accumulated over the previous year- but it’s officially 2020 and it’s starting to feel like the optimism of the new year has faded before it even had a chance to flourish. Australia is on fire, Trump is on Twitter and WWIII memes have already teetered precariously between satire and suspicion. On merely day 4 of the new year, the U.S. experienced a 900% increase in Google Search inquiries for “is there going to be a draft?” If not for the Baby Yoda memes providing a temporary stress-free repose, my newsfeed would look as sinister as Joe from You in a baseball cap and a windbreaker creeping on Guinivere Beck. Speaking of creepy men, most humans capable of critical thinking understand that the Trump impeachment inquiry is not the worst witch hunt in history- like those actual witch hunts during which innocent women were burned at the stake, or those other #metoo women persecuted and villainized for exposing the truth about rape.
The word astonishing has lost its meaning, it’s gotten to the point where reality actually seems more absurd than reality TV. The government is acting like an abusive boyfriend and gaslighting us to question the importance of truth, and there is an undeniable climate of distrust, fear and anger that is on the verge of exploding like ChampagneGate on The Bachelor. It’s seemingly impossible to keep up with current events, and every time there’s another shooting, another hate crime, another scandal exposed, it seems like it’s a never-ending stream that’s too strong to stop.
If you feel completely overwhelmed by this shitstorm of events, you’re not alone. It’s hard enough to follow what the hell is going on, let alone allow yourself to care enough to risk being disappointed, powerless and raw. That being said, I want to share a quote with you from the amazing Jane Goodall and her chimpanzee legacy, “Apathy is the greatest threat to our future.” While it’s extremely difficult to stay informed and actively participate in society these days, insulation from current events and indecision about political developments is a decision in itself, one that gives all the power to those paying attention.
So, my ask of you is to make a list of a few subjects that are close to your heart, whether it’s access to sports, education, animal rights, environmental protection, or anything else, no judgments. Take that list and look up volunteer opportunities around you, and see if you can carve out one hour of your time every month to connect with a cause that you care about. I’m not saying you’re going to rack up good points as Eleanor attempted to in The Good Place, but I can say that having a constructive outlet related to your passions will help you feel empowered and also provide a platform to discuss current events related to the subjects you care about. It’s a rough world out there and sometimes we need more than a Baby Yoda meme to keep our spirits up, but I’m still going to leave one here anyway…